SOS received an early holiday gift from Safeway's Nourishing Neighbors Community Relief Fund

We’re excited to open an early holiday gift from Safeway Foundation. We received a grant of $75,675 from their Nourishing Neighbors Community Relief Fund. What a way to kick off the holiday season!

The grant will help us ensure the most vulnerable members of our community can also celebrate the season.  We’re thrilled to receive this grant and look forward to putting it to good use in the fight against hunger.

This round of Nourishing Neighbors grants focuses on the needs of marginalized communities, which have been particularly hard hit. Roughly 86 percent of Latino households with children and 66 percent of Black households with children reported serious financial problems during the pandemic. Across the board, the numbers are staggering.

We will use this grant to purchase a new Blast Chiller, a piece of equipment that will enable us to bring hot food down to safe storage temps, so we can more quickly begin the meal packing process, while maintaining the highest of quality control and assurance. This increased efficiency will also enable more program growth. Funds will also be used to purchase PPE.

Safeway’s Nourishing Neighbors Community Relief Initiative was launched with a $53 million company donation earlier this year. Since then, generous customers have donated an additional $57 million at the register.

Thanks to Safeway Foundation for making our holiday season a little brighter!

Renica Powers