March for Meals 2021

Once again we have invited a number of local elected officials to participate in a morning of meal deliveries (following strict health and safety protocols of course) as part of March for Meals, a nationwide month-long event designed to generate public awareness about senior hunger and isolation, and to celebrate the invaluable services provided by senior nutrition programs. Given that Meals on Wheels is an exemplary public-private partnership, this annual celebration is also intended to showcase the successes of the Older Americans Act, help recruit new volunteers from our community and increase fundraising from local businesses and supporters.

Though it will look a little different this year, we are expecting a solid turnout from our Community Champions and are delighted that this tradition did not fall victim to the pandemic--it is still going strong!

You: But I'm not an elected official. What can I do?

So glad you asked.

  • Be an Advocate – Like and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

  • Volunteer – Prevent hunger and loneliness by delivering meals once a week

  • Donate – Help us reach our goal to serve a half-million meals by June 30th!

Renica Powers